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Prolonged myelin deficits contribute to neuron loss and functional impairments after ischaemic stroke


2024년 1월 30일

    tMCAO model에서 Olig2 또는 muscarinic receptor1 deletion을 통한 동물에서의 remyelination 기전 연구


Ischaemic stroke causes neuron loss and long-term functional deficits. Unfortunately, effective approaches to preserving neurons and promoting functional recovery remain unavailable. Oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells in the CNS, are susceptible to oxygen and nutrition deprivation and undergo degeneration after ischaemic stroke. Technically, new oligodendrocytes and myelin can be generated by the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). However, myelin dynamics and their functional significance after ischaemic stroke remain poorly understood. Here, we report numerous denuded axons accompanied by decreased neuron density in sections from ischaemic stroke lesions in human brain, suggesting that neuron loss correlates with myelin deficits in these lesions. To investigate the longitudinal changes in myelin dynamics after stroke, we labelled and traced pre-existing and newly-formed myelin, respectively, using cell-specific genetic approaches. Our results indicated massive oligodendrocyte death and myelin loss 2 weeks after stroke in the transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) mouse model. In contrast, myelin regeneration remained insufficient 4 and 8 weeks post-stroke. Notably, neuronal loss and functional impairments worsened in aged brains, and new myelin generation was diminished. To analyse the causal relationship between remyelination and neuron survival, we manipulated myelinogenesis by conditional deletion of Olig2 (a positive regulator) or muscarinic receptor 1 (M1R, a negative regulator) in OPCs. Deleting Olig2 inhibited remyelination, reducing neuron survival and functional recovery after tMCAO. Conversely, enhancing remyelination by M1R conditional knockout or treatment with the pro-myelination drug clemastine after tMCAO preserved white matter integrity and neuronal survival, accelerating functional recovery. Together, our findings demonstrate that enhancing myelinogenesis is a promising strategy to preserve neurons and promote functional recovery after ischaemic stroke.

서울아산병원 신경외과 중환자실, 신경외과연구실, NSICU
© 2024 by NSLAB Hanwool Jeon, Hayeong Kang

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Section of Neurocritical Care

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